1 November
Left Budapest early
this morning. The impression I had was
that we were leaving the West and entering the East.
Apologies to my crew for repeating that line many, many
times over. And, apologies to Gary
Oldman for expecting to see his eyes in my windows.
Our crossover into Dracula territory was not to be long
however, as our obligations lie elsewhere.
To the south, Marines needed us to provide entertainment and coverage of
only the type we were capable.
Throughout our journey from West to East, a singular thought
remained: Holy shit this aircraft is
The maximum gross weight of a Blackhawk is 22,000
pounds. Accordingly, exceeding that
weight causes all manner of problems for the structure (and more importantly,
the transmission). So, what does it take
to get a few people, their bags, and enough gas to make it all the way to a
castle bordering Maldova, Bulgaria and nestled in the heart of the Carpathians
(…terrible, I’m sorry)?
About 22,000 pounds.In keeping with the latest tradition of (aptly) naming our helicopters after Borderlands characters, it seems only right that 698 (the daughter of 697 – Mad Moxxi), an aircraft I’ve spent way too much time in, always has men crawling over and in her, and, as we’re out in Eastern Europe on our own, away from the family, a strong independent woman, I give you:
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