
Recent Headlines

Caveat: It has been a long, difficult time since my last post.  As my COVID fugue goes away, my writing will improve, as always.  Just... bear with me while things get more combobulated over here.

Recently, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingrahm, and a certain Congressman decided they had some strong opinions about GEN Milley, SECDEF, and Critical Race Theory.  So, here are some honest points about all the above.

First, the three people mentioned have always been completely fucking awful human beings.  As such, my opinion on them has not changed at all.  It should be very clear that to them, and their ilk, their fans, when a POC kneels during the anthem it's disrespecting the troops.  But when Ass-eyes McChucklefuck calls a 4-star General that has spent more time in a firefight than Literal Human Shit has spent enduring hardship in his entire life, it's totally cool.  

They have always been racist, vile, hypocritical garbage people, and there's nothing I can or should add to that.  This whole scene is just another drop in the bucket.  

Second and much more important: The 'anecdotal evidence' that people from 'majority minority units' are coming up to a certain child-molesting, square headed congressman, and telling him that extremist training is making things more divided in the military, and that it's making it harder for conservatives to be heard.

Service members (to include still serving, retired, combat veterans, and non-combat veterans) are by no means the epitome of moral turpitude and uprightness.  I know a group of South FL veterans that advocate hitting protesters (you know, the 1st amendment thing) with their cars.  I joined the Army right before Obama got elected, and there were some words used by a lot of white people unhappy with that result.  I was in Romania when Trump got elected, and I watched in real time as world opinion of the US fell apart.  I know plenty of shitty officers, non-comms, and enlisted personnel.  I also know the vast majority are good people.  

Here's my rebuttal to that anecdotal evidence: Almost every office has at least one very vocal conservative.  They are quick to pontificate on Trump, or the evils of BLM or Antifa, how transgenders are ruining America, or how "If a gay dude ever checked me out in the shower, I'd cut his fucking throat."  And when anyone tells them that they are in the wrong place, that the topics they are discussing aren't workplace appropriate, or that people no longer trust them to fly with them or be around them because of their homophobia, they immediately twist that into their voices being silenced.  Which then becomes an issue of, if you disagree with this person, can I rely on them in combat.

And now, a lot of the people that take issue with the training we're getting are those exact same people.  DACs who will, unprompted, try to strike up a conversation about, "He, she, it, whatever the hell that thing is."  Active duty service members that bitch and moan, "Wow, looks like I'm one of those extremists, because I have those tendencies, har har," yeah, no shit guy, that's why I keep a fucking eye on you all the time.

I flew Maj Hassan around during his trial.  I was at Fort Hood for the second shooting.  Soldiers have been found trying to recruit people into white supremist organizations, and have been kicked out for being vocal members of the same.  Yes, Congressman I-Would-Have-Joined-The-Military-But, extremism in the military exists, needs to be addressed, and needs to be snuffed out.

GEN Milley with the win on, "I've read Lenin, and Marx, that doesn't make me a communist.  I want to understand."  Brilliant.  

Unpopular opinion: The Greatest Generation wasn't that great.  That's a discussion for another time.

In other news, I just turned 36, and, well... 

Gruncle Stan, speaking truth.  (Photo Credit: Disney)

A lot has been going on in my life recently.  Afghanistan was a year of triumphs, hope, frustration, loss.  Losing good aviators and brothers is hard, watching them die is harder, that's all I'll say about that.  My return was... eventful, and that's all I'll say about that.  

Now, as the brain-fog from COVID lifts (actual thing, REALLY sucked, made everything difficult) and my knee self-repairs, I'm preparing for another year long adventure overseas in short order (that is to say, I'll be in the US for less than 8 months total this time).  

In the meantime, I will post my post-36 workouts; my obsession with painting tabletop miniatures using these frigging amazing colors from Stuart Semple; and attempt keep up with my writing by putting up new chapters to Marcus and Marlin Mardis: Master Monster Murderers.

Which now means this blog is officially not for Bean Boy.

Prepare yourselves for book 2:
Marcus and Marlin Mardis: Midlife Monster Madness