
A Case of the Tuesdays

As we (yes, we.  This whole Trader thing involves everyone kind enough to put up with it.  Fist bump.) near the completion of a pre-revision manuscript, I can barely restrain my excitement.  Apologies in advance as less and less narrative makes into the blog, but how else can I keep you guessing and interested?! 

Anywho, there’s a major minor plot point coming up that I’m debating on how to write.  So sometime here in the next week, I’m going to put up both versions and let you deal with it.  Lazy?  No.  AWESOME.

Like I said, the sooner I finish Trader, the sooner we all get to move on to other stories. 

That’s all you’re getting for preamble.  I’ve already written a pretty decent one for my next post, I just have to finish writing the accompanying chapter. 

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